How soon after an abortion can I have sexual intercourse?
You should wait at least 2 weeks, ideally till your next period. Do not take a bath or swim during the first two weeks to prevent infection!
Can I have sex if I´m treated for a vaginal infection (discharge)?
You are strongly advised not to have sexual intercourse until the treatment is finished. Otherwise the treatment may take longer or be less effective.
When is the best time for a preventive pap smear?
The best (though not the only) time for this exam is in the first half of your menstrual cycle, i.e. no later than the 10th day since the end of your period. If done in the second half of the cycle, there is a higher likelihood of the sample being unsatisfactory for testing in the laboratory.
Is my unborn baby in danger if I am Rh negative and my partner Rh positive?
The risk is normally low. Between the 10th and the 16th week of pregnancy, blood is drawn for a preventive antibody test repeated again between the 32nd and 35th week. If the level of antibodies is increased, you´ll be tested and monitored at the blood transfusion department.
Is the HPV vaccine worth it?
Please refer to the Vaccination page.
What to do if I don´t get my period?
Wait for 3 to 5 days; if your period is still missing, consider visiting your OB/GYN. Off-the-shelf pregnancy tests are unfortunately quite unreliable and often give false positive or false negative results.
How do the pregnancy appointments look like?
Once your pregnancy is confirmed by your gynecologist, regular pregnancy appointments are scheduled.
Every time the doctor checks your external genitalia (and breast if necessary), inspects the vagina using the speculum and performs a bimanual internal examination. In the later stages of the pregnancy the length and state of the cervix (part of the uterus that lies in the vagina) is inspected as the shortening cervix may increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth. In case of any doubts, the length can be measured with ultrasound since the 20th week of pregnancy (which is a more objective method).
Every time your blood pressure and weight gain is monitored. Urine tests are done to check for protein and sugar. Immunoglobulins have just recently started to be administered as recommended by the Czech Gynecological and Obstetrical Society.
At least three ultrasound scans are done during the pregnancy to monitor fetus growth and vitality, placenta position and the amniotic fluid volume. The main reason for doing ultrasound scans is the detection of potential developmental defects in the fetus.
Schedule of ultrasound scans:
- Week 12 – 14: optional ultrasound exam with a nuchal translucency screening test checking the tissue at the back of the neck. If larger than 4 mm, this may indicate certain developmental abnormalities such as Down´s syndrome. This exam is not covered by the public insurance.
- Week 18 – 22: the doctor focuses on birth defects, growth proportionality, and makes a four-chamber view of the heart (detailed examination of all heart chambers). A cervicometry can be done to determine the length of cervix and its state (opening or closed) to prevent abortion or preterm birth.
- Week 28 – 32: the size, position and height of the fetus are determined. The placenta has to be inspected as well as its abnormal position (placenta praevia) may be an indication for the cesarean section.
Other exams:
- Week 8 – 12: blood is drawn to determine the blood type and antibodies, do the full blood count and check out for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV.
- Week 15 – 17: blood is drawn to do the triple test (a preventive screening for developmental defects). The length of the gravidity can be determined using the ultrasound (not covered by the insurance).
- Week 24 – 28: gestational diabetes test (oral glucose tolerance test/OGTT) is done. This type of diabetes occurs only temporarily in women who have a genetic predisposition for diabetes. Women with Rh negative blood are given immunoglobulins.
- Week 28 – 32: blood is drawn to determine the full blood count, antibodies and, in some cases, syphilis. Monetary maternity aid is requested.
- Week 35 – 39: a vaginal smear is dome to check for streptococcus agalactiae (bacteria which is the major cause of pulmonary infections in the fetus).
- Week 38 – 43: cardiotocographic monitoring of fetal heart rate and uterus is done.
How often should I see my gynecologist?
A preventive exam with a pap test and an ultrasound scan should be done at least once a year. If the results indicate a potential problem, the exam is repeated every three months. If you, however, consider having a child in the future, you should see your gynecologist at least twice a year to prevent problems such as vaginal infections which may affect your internal reproductive organs (namely ovaries) and result in irreversible infertility.
How should hormonal contraceptives be taken?
Start with the first pill between the first and the fifth day of your period (the sooner the better). There are two types of birth control pills – monophasic and multiphasic pills. If your doctor prescribed you the monophasic pills, you can take them in any order. They are marked Monday to Sunday to help you keep track of which pill to take next. The multiphasic contraceptives have to be taken in given order due to their different hormone content. Most types of oral contraceptives are taken in a 21+7 scheme with a 7-day pill-free break after having the 21st pill. If you wish to avoid the subsequent pseudomenstruation and postpone it by 3 weeks, skip the break and strart with a new pack.
You can also take pills continuously without breaks. If you chose this modern scheme, your menstruation will stop.
Alternatively, your gynecologist may offer you the NuvaRing, a 51mm vaginal ring with hormonal contraceptives made from a special soft material. The hormones are absorbed via the vagina (unlike the oral contraceptives absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract), so you don´t have to think of taking pills. The ring is inserted for a 3-week period and after a 1-week break replaced by a new one.
What to do if I forget to take my pill?
If you are less than 12 hours late taking your pill, don´t worry, you are still protected. However, if you are more than 12 hours late, the effectiveness of the contraceptives may be reduced. The longer the pills are taken without interruption (eg. for several years), the smaller is the risk in case of one-time interruption. If you have any doubts, please call our 24-hour hotline at +420 603 152 148.
What is the Prenascan Test?
It is a new innovative test that replaces the amniocentesis (amniotic fluid test). It is based on the fact that the genetic material of the fetus passes through the placenta into mother´s blood. The blood is then tested as after the amniocentesis. No risk of abortion is associated with this test (unlike 0.5% at amniocentesis). The test is not covered by the public insurance and CZK 15,000 are charged.